Naples. Movida town local police checks

In the last few hours, the Naples Local Police has carried out numerous interventions to control the rules that regulate the city's "nightlife", violations of the Highway Code and compliance with health prevention measures. From the areas of Chiaia, to the historic center, to Vomero, 38 checks were carried out on premises and entrepreneurial activities such as bars, clubs, pizzerias; high 18 minutes for illegal occupation of public land and for the lack of differentiation of waste.

With regard to the checks on the Highway Code, 145 checks were carried out and 131 reports were raised, with the removal of n. 44 irregularly parked vehicles and the seizure of 5 vehicles.

The Municipal agents also carried out 535 checks for the anti-covid legislation aimed at the owners and customers of the entrepreneurial activities, raising 16 minutes for the failure to check the green pass and for the failure to use the mask inside the premises, in some precisely circumstances, the owners of the activities did not have a green pass.

Naples. Movida town local police checks

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