Economic nationalism to defend Italy

According to Carlo Calenda, Minister of Economic Development, we must defend ourselves and return to economic nationalism.

This is the message that emerges from the words of the Minister during an interview with the weekly Tempi, which will be on the newsstand tomorrow.

In the interview, Calenda, after evaluating the Industry 4.0 Plan at almost 20 billion in three years, states: “We like it not, economic nationalism is back in the limelight together with protectionism. Open markets and conditions of reciprocity are fundamental for us and we must support the reasons for international economic relations governed by these principles, but we must also be able to defend ourselves adequately ”. “To build development and well-being - he added - Italy must put a solid industrial policy program based on innovation and internationalization at the center. The Industry 4.0 Plan, which is worth almost 20 billion euros over three years, is based on automatic tax incentives, which exclude political intermediation and which reward those who invest regardless of the sector or technology. It is an approach that underlies a profound confidence in the ability of companies to do their job without unnecessary interference from the public administration ”.

According to Calenda, "Any room for maneuver that comes from a revision of the budget constraints can not be wasted in tax cuts to rain, but must be concentrated in a targeted manner on investment, reduction of the tax wedge also to encourage new hires and the strengthening of a universal anti-poverty cushion ".



Economic nationalism to defend Italy