But Bolkestein, convention tomorrow in Gaeta

It will be held tomorrow night at Gaeta, at Aeneas Landing, the organizational conference of ANA and the Association of Companies Today, in view of the "2 ^ MARCIA DEI SILENZIOSI" which will take the street 14 November November beginning with 9.00 to Fondi , at the Rotunda of S. Anastasia along the SS. Flacca, to reach the van to the exit of Rome North of the Ring Road, where all the pedestrians of Rome and Central Italy met.
The initiative takes place in the context of the national mobilization against the Bolkestein Directive decided last September between the 40 Bolkestein Associations of all of Italy to urge the Government and Parliament to make definitive decisions on the Bolkestein Directive, after the extension of the Concessions to the 31.12.2018 established by Law no. 19 / 2017.
Indeed, in spite of the continuous meetings with the Government and with the Minister of Economic Development, the clear and definitive decisions have not yet been taken that could put an end to the current climate of uncertainty that many of the Municipalities are still undecided about the issuance of the Bandi, - Regions of the 2012 and 2016, despite the formal objections of the Competition and Market Authority.

The purpose of the initiative that will start from Fondi is to draw the attention of the Institutions and Political Forces - so that they find a solution - on the effects of the Bolkestein Directive which in 12 years will cause the closure of the activity of about 200.000 street vendors in Italy over 2 million direct and indirect employees.
Let us therefore recall that they are likely to be unemployed about 200.000 in Italy, including 20.000 in the Lazio Region alone, 30.000 in Campania and about 4.000 in the Latina and Frosinone Provinces who are active in 125 weekly markets and on 20 daily markets.
The leaders of the two associations promoting the initiative will be present tomorrow night in Gaeta, including the President of the National Association of Ambulanti, Vincenzo Caiazzo, the President of the Association of Enterprises Today, Antonio Di Ciaccio, and the Secretary of the National Association of Ambulances, Marrigo Rosato.

But Bolkestein, convention tomorrow in Gaeta

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