
Thanks to the PNRR, new courses in Lucca to avoid school dropout and in Marina di Pisa a new school rebuilt "with sea view"

The video story of the Ministry of Education and Merit is dedicated this week to the ISI Sandro Pertini of Lucca which has activated new courses to combat school dropout and to the IIC Niccolò Pisano of Marina di Pisa, which will be demolished and rebuilt according to criteria of modern and more functional teaching, thanks to PNRR investments.

At the ISI Sandro Pertini in Lucca, to combat the phenomenon of school dropout, courses to strengthen basic skills have been launched with PNRR funds, summer remedial courses for students with suspension of judgment or with minor fragilities, Italian courses L2 for students who are not native Italian speakers, courses for social-emotional skills aimed at developing relationships between students through group learning, robotics courses and STEAM courses for girls. “Based on our needs – explains the Headmaster, Daniela Venturi – we have planned actions aimed at stemming the risk of dispersion: we thought first of all about interventions on foreign children, because there are many of them, and some of them have just arrived; then we implemented the strengthening of basic skills, because our students often need more support in those subjects than in the professional ones".

In particular, for foreign students, the project includes both Italian L2 courses to enhance their level of knowledge of the language, and interventions by mediators, in class or possibly outside of the classroom. For those with minor frailties, however, personalized courses have been started, for example with speech therapists. It is "a plan also aimed at personal motivation - comments Annachiara Pisani, psychotherapist and teacher - which can include both individual moments and the involvement of the entire class".

Finally, a project aimed at improving their digital and entrepreneurial skills was launched for around thirty girls in the three-year course. “Certainly the value of this initiative – says Andrea Guastini, teacher and trainer – will be to improve first of all their problem solving skills and how to manage the problems they will encounter in the world of work. Because our school is a school that first of all prepares you to face the world of work."

Watch the video of ISI Sandro Pertini of Lucca:

In Marina di Pisa, the IIC Niccolò Pisano will be demolished and rebuilt thanks to PNRR funds intended for the construction of new schools. The new building will include four buildings, topped by a tower overlooking the sea and in the center a square which will become a public space open to citizens during non-school hours. The project integrates into the landscape, acting as a hinge between the town and the surrounding pine forest. “We have invested a lot in schools in recent years – says Michele Conti, Mayor of the Municipality of Pisa – to ensure that children and young people, the citizens of tomorrow, find a welcoming school, in which teaching is important, but also structure".

The new environments will help innovative teaching through modular classrooms with movable panels. “The new environments of the school – explains the teacher, Sonia Pistelli – will facilitate the carrying out of lessons, because there will be modular classrooms that allow teachers to follow multiple classes at the same time and evaluate the children's work in a space that is more functional for them” . “The school – adds Riccardo Buscemi, School Councilor of the Municipality – is a bit like the working environment: if it is suitable it encourages greater productivity. And this project facilitates the student's concentration and encourages the desire to come to school."

Watch the video of the New School in Marina di Pisa:

The PNRR investment line aimed at the construction of new schools involves the construction of 212 new school complexes, whose architectural projects were selected with a design competition. All the interventions involve a building replacement action (demolition of an existing school and reconstruction) and are managed by the local owners of the buildings, beneficiaries of the loans. The projects of each new school were selected through a design competition and respond to guidelines that define the main structural characteristics that the new schools must respect, in terms of sustainability, openness to the territory, ability to welcome innovative teaching. The completion of the works is expected by 2026.

#NoiSiamoLeScuole is the project of the Ministry of Education and Merit dedicated to the stories of teaching and community and to the stories of the PNRR Education:





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