#NoiSiamoLeScuole this week talks about two institutes in Ancona

In the new episode of the MIM social analysis, the IIS “Volterra-Elia”, oriented towards the professions of the future, and the IIS “L. di Savoia – G. Benincasa” which will be completely rebuilt thanks to the PNRR

The story of #NoiSiamoLeScuole continues in the Marche region, the social study by the Ministry of Education and Merit dedicated to the stories of teaching and the community of Italian schools. This week is the turn of two institutes in Ancona.

The "Volterra-Elia" Higher Education Institute, divided into two complexes, is a point of reference for the area, for its propensity for didactic innovation and for the wide range of educational offerings. The "Volterra" Applied Sciences high school has a wealth of laboratories in Mechanics (Mechatronics and Energy), Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Telecommunications, Physics and Chemistry, for a training course that distinguishes it from a technical institute. The “Elia”, on the other hand, is a nautical and aeronautical institute, “one of the most important in the Marche Region – a student explains in the video -. It offers a vast possibility of technical application of what we learn in lessons in specific simulation laboratories but also on board ships and at the airport". The institute also houses some historic ships, a wealth of the entire territory. Many of the school's laboratories were created thanks to PON funds and with the allocations of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan they will be further strengthened.

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The school will be able to make use of the funding provided by the PNRR for the School 4.0 and the overcoming of territorial gaps, with which to enrich the technological equipment and the training offer aimed above all at the professions of the future, and strengthen the model of social inclusion, recovery of skills and fight against dispersion. As a national training centre, the institute also has the function of involving schools in the training of school staff, with the aim of adapting to changes in the social context and thus allowing teachers to keep up to date in terms of technological innovation and digital transition. "The Institute, thanks to the PON and other funding established by the Ministry - says Rosa Martino, the school manager -, has tried to expand and enhance the learning environments, so that technology and innovations, linked not only to teaching but also to laboratories, could improve the skills of the children. As Montessori said, school is constantly evolving”.

The new IIS school “L. di Savoia – G. Benincasa”, secondary school, will be demolished and entirely rebuilt thanks to a loan of 10.500.000,00 euros from the PNRR, assigned by the Ministry to the Province of Ancona, which owns the building. The institute was built in the 70s on the basis of didactic needs that are now outdated. Therefore, despite the attention paid to its maintenance, a complete restyling was necessary to build environments more suitable for a school of today and tomorrow, with laboratories and multifunctional classrooms. The new school will also further enhance the location surrounded by greenery and suitable for outdoor activities, in an area between the suburbs and the centre, as if to represent a meeting point between the two realities. "The project seeks to resolve - explains the architect Andrea Tabocchini - those frictions that exist between the city and the suburbs, linking itself to nature".

The video of the IIS “Volterra-Elia”:

The video of the experience of the IIS "Volterra-Elia" as a training center for the development of innovative digital teaching models (the training projects are available on the scuolafutura.it platform):

The video of the new school “L. of Savoy – G. Benincasa”:

#NoiSiamoLeScuole is the project of the Ministry of Education and Merit dedicated to the stories of teaching and community and to the stories of the PNRR Education. Here's how to follow all the updates:

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#NoiSiamoLeScuole this week talks about two institutes in Ancona