#NoiSonoLeScuole this week talks about the New School in Bitonto, in the province of Bari

The video story of the Ministry of Education and Merit this week is dedicated to the "Giovanni Modugno" school complex of the "Modugno-Rutigliano-Rogadeo" IC of Bitonto, which will be demolished and rebuilt thanks to the investment line dedicated by the PNRR to the construction of 212 safe, inclusive, innovative and highly sustainable New Schools. 

The works for the construction of the new “Giovanni Modugno” primary school in Bitonto (BA) are about to start. “We are in the preparation phases of the demolitions, which – explains Angela Francesca Monte of the Public Works Service of the Municipality of Bitonto – are the first preparatory work for the realization of the new intervention”.  

It is a "beautiful" project, which includes five classrooms flanked by many free spaces - comments the school director, Michele Bonasia -, which can be divided and remodeled" according to needs. The intervention, in fact, is aimed above all at "making teaching in suitable environments even more efficient, transforming the school into a place of beauty and very inclusive", adds Christian Farella, Councilor for Public Education of the Municipality of Bitonto. 

Above all, the new building will be capable of welcoming all those who want to be part of it, also considering the increase in registrations in recent years. “This is a neighborhood school – says the Mayor of Bitonto, Francesco Paolo Ricci -. It is an important training center, but at the same time a school serving the territory. This new school building is part of a vision that gives great importance to the suburbs, revitalizing them". 

The central agora, the gym, the windows that connect to the external space become symbols of a school that wants to innovate, both in terms of teaching and attention to interpersonal relationships, as a parent underlines. 

Watch the video of the Bitonto School (BA):

The PNRR investment line aimed at the construction of new schools involves the construction of 212 new school complexes, whose architectural projects were selected with a design competition. All the interventions involve a building replacement action (demolition of an existing school and reconstruction) and are managed by the local owners of the buildings, beneficiaries of the loans. The projects of each new school were selected through a design competition and respond to guidelines that define the main structural characteristics that the new schools must respect, in terms of sustainability, openness to the territory, ability to welcome innovative teaching. The completion of the works is expected by 2026.  

#NoiSiamoLeScuole is the project of the Ministry of Education and Merit dedicated to the stories of teaching and community and to the stories of the PNRR Education:





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#NoiSonoLeScuole this week talks about the New School in Bitonto, in the province of Bari