ARDep, Yes to a patrimonial only for incongruous assets

The ARDeP - Association for the Reduction of Public Debt - in a press release launched a heartfelt appeal to politics: "yes to a patrimonial, as long as it affects only incongruous patrimonies”, Which are those made illegally and whose origin cannot be proven. 

We learn from the press of the proposal to introduce a property tax on large assets, the note continues.

Well, we are aware of how useful a property is right now for the country, however we ask ourselves whether it is fair - as well as ethically and constitutionally correct - to tax assets regardless of their origin.

We ARDeP believe that any property tax must take into account the adequacy of the assets, which can be verified by calculating the average of the income declared by the taxpayer over a sufficiently long period of time, to which is added the assets received by inheritance through the reports of succession. 

ARDep, Yes to a patrimonial only for incongruous assets

| Economics, EVIDENCE 2 |