PD, Renzi against the flat tax: gives to the rich and takes away from the poor

The Democratic Party decides to make its voice heard in this race for the 2018 political elections and it does so through one of its most illustrious voices, Matteo Renzi. The Pd secretary in these hours has fielded a real "crusade" against the much vaunted Flat tax, the main topic of Silvio Berlusconi's electoral campaign.

"The flat tax is a" Robin Hood upside down: it gives the rich and leverage the poor ". This is what the secretary of Renzi, guest of Maria Latella's 'Interview' on Sky Tg24 said, defining the bill "For millionaires like Berlusconi and Grillo" and “Economically unfeasible”. He then emphasized Renzi, “Those who are economically better than others certainly have a gain: millionaires like Berlusconi and Grillo will certainly have a gain. But why do I have to take away the 80 euros from the metalworker to allow the great millionaire Berlusconi or Grillo to save on taxes? " (alluding to the fact that the proposal for coverage of the same hypothesized by Berlusconi that is the elimination of tax deductions and public investments.)

The concept was then reiterated by Matteo Renzi through a tweet on his official account:
“FlatTax is not economically sustainable but above all it is an unfair choice: it cuts to the poor to give to the rich. In short, Robin Hood on the contrary. "

PD, Renzi against the flat tax: gives to the rich and takes away from the poor