State Police: extradited from Greece Irfan Ali

Human trafficking in Riccione - extradited from Greece Irfan Ali accused of aiding illegal immigration, aggravated in competition and suppression of corpse

Today he is back in Italy escorted by the SCIP - Criminalpol Police International Cooperation Service, Irfan ALI, Pakistani 33enne, 30 arrested in Greece last October and recipient of a European arrest warrant with detention order in prison issued by the GIP of Court of Rimini.

The precautionary measure, issued against the Pakistani citizen, arises at the end of an investigation activity, conducted also with the help of telephone and environmental wiretaps, initiated by the Carabinieri of the Compagnia di Riccione, following the discovery of a human body in an advanced state of decomposition inside the rainwater collection channel in the Montalbano area of ​​the Municipality of San Giovanni in Marignano (RN), last 07 September 2018.

The hiding abroad was stopped by the police on the basis of the investigations and findings made by the Arm of Riccione and assisted in the Balkan peninsula by the Second Interpol Division of the SCIP and by the Office of the Expert for Security stationed in Athens.

Upon arrival of the ALI at Fiumicino, the formalities of the Air Border will be carried out in the Border and Border Police Offices and will then be carried out in prison at the disposal of the Emilia Judicial Authority.

State Police: extradited from Greece Irfan Ali