Traffic police and Anas: the new spot of the "just drive" campaign against cell phone use and driving distractions

No more distractions. Enough with the use of the cell phone. Enough with the use of alcohol and drugs. Driving a car is an act of responsibility and respect for the rules. The road trip cannot pose a risk to one's life or the life of others.

In the new spot on road safety, presented today, Anas (Società del Polo Infrastrutture del Gruppo FS Italiane) relaunches these messages that it has been spreading since 2015 in its campaign with a direct and clear slogan: "When you drive, just drive"

The video was made by Anas in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and the State Police, in a television and radio version.

 "Anas' commitment to ensure safety on our roads is constant and daily – declared the CEO Aldo Isi – through the maintenance, control and monitoring of infrastructures. But correct behavior must be combined with driving. Respecting the highway code and driving without distractions cannot be an option, but everyone's duty. Only in this way can we achieve the goal, in line with the strategies of the Parent Company FS, of reducing accidents by 50% by 2030 and zero victims by 2050. We recall that over 93% of road accidents derive from driver behaviour: distraction , excessive speed, impaired driving. It is the responsibility and priority of all of us – underlines the CEO of Anas – raise awareness especially among the new generations and spread a new culture of road safety in every social sector. The “Guida e Basta” campaign born in 2015 – continued Isi – is dedicated precisely to the risks that derive from bad driving habits. We are also engaged in numerous educational projects carried out with the support of testimonials from the world of entertainment and sport, aimed at preventing and combating accidents"

"Unfortunately, this year we are recording a linear trend in road accidents with data that should make us reflect seriously on the strategies to be adopted to attack the 2030 European objective of halving the number of victims on our roads.” Declares Filiberto Mastrapasqua, director of the Traffic Police Service - "Among others, prevention achieved through communication is undoubtedly the keystone for effectively dealing with the phenomenon of accidents which see, as the first cause, distraction followed by speed. Making calls, chatting or filming while driving are risky and dangerous behaviors that must be avoided. Driving carefully must become part of the cultural baggage of each of us. "

The new Anas commercial, which has become an annual appointment, was created in two versions of 30 and 15 seconds and will be broadcast, starting from Sunday 16 July, on the main national radio-television circuits.

The commercial will also be present on Anas' social profiles: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and on the Youtube channel and all the information on the "GUIDAeBASTA" campaign is available on the 

The storytelling system of the commercial is centered on two groups of young people, the main target for which the message is intended, who are going to the disco in two different cars. With an alternating montage and the use of vertical shots, which recall the language of social networks, the opposing behaviors can be noted: the incorrect conduct of some (use of the cell phone, making videos and photos, seat belt not worn) against that correct than the others.

Only the latter will reach their destination. The message is clear: distraction, immoderate use of the phone and social media while driving are dangerous behaviors for oneself and for others.

Very often they are fatal. In addition to distraction, excessive safety in driving behavior is also a significant factor that contributes to the increase in road accidents…

Traffic police and Anas: the new spot of the "just drive" campaign against cell phone use and driving distractions

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