The “School ReGeneration” project was presented, for the ecological and cultural transition of schools

Minister Patrizio Bianchi and Undersecretary Barbara Floridia presented "ReGeneration School", the Plan for the ecological and cultural transition of schools

Bianchi: “We are working on a new capacity to act for the environment, starting from school”. Floridia: "We educate to inhabit the world in a new way"

Minister Patrizio Bianchi and Undersecretary Barbara Floridia presented yesterday, at the "Aldo Moro" Room of the Ministry of Education, "ReGeneration School", the Plan for the ecological and cultural transition of schools, conceived as part of the implementation of 'UN 2030 Agenda.    

“Today we open an important chapter: training and education for sustainability. We do this with a wonderful word, ReGeneration. We are working on a new capacity to act for the environment, starting from the school, which is the heartbeat of the community ”, said Minister Patrizio Bianchi at the opening of the event.  

“If we are able to educate young people in a new way of living the world, we will be able to change the country. This is why the term "regeneration": we must regenerate our thoughts - added Undersecretary Barbara Floridia -. School is the right place to do it, it is the cultural infrastructure par excellence of the country, it is the highway of thought. We must move from the concept of resilience to the concept of regeneration, we must no longer resist, but learn to live in a new world ”.

Educating young people to live the world in a different way, to think about the long term, paying greater attention to environmental issues, to the sustainability of our economies and our lifestyles, designing new jobs that know how to look to the future while respecting what surrounds us . These are, in fact, the objectives of the Plan presented today, which looks at the Italian school as a cultural infrastructure, as a center of communities, an existential and housing model, the place of origin of a new ecological and economic alphabet. For the implementation of the Plan, Undersecretary Floridia emphasizes, “more than one billion investments are expected and the construction of 200 new energy-efficient schools”.

The ecological and cultural transition of the school will be based on four pillars: the regeneration of knowledge, or what is learned in school; the regeneration of infrastructures, with the construction of innovative buildings and the creation of new learning environments; the regeneration of behaviors, with the acquisition of good habits in respect of the environment even at school; the regeneration of opportunities, i.e. school courses characterized by training courses that look at the themes of ecology and sustainability.

This morning, to represent the four pillars, in video link and in person, were some Italian schools who told about their projects and their direct experience in terms of ecological transition.

During the presentation of the Plan, a video message from Maria Chiara Carrozza, President of the CNR, was transmitted. Also attended by Fabio Trincardi, Director of the Department of Earth System Sciences and Technologies for the Environment of the CNR, Claudia Brunori, Deputy Director of the Department for Circular Economy of ENEA and Alessandro Bratti, Director General of ISPRA.  

The Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi then concluded the event by recalling that, even in the pandemic, “this is a country that has not stopped. As always, this country demonstrates its ability in the most difficult, most delicate moment. I also say this to you guys: show that we must be proud of our country. And then we begin to regenerate. Schools are a defense of legality, intelligence and passion, our country needs them ".

The School ReGeneration page, dedicated to the ecological and cultural transition of schools, can be consulted on the website of the Ministry of Education.

The schools that participated in video link:

“AB Sabin” State Scientific High School of Bologna

High school with an environmental ecological path

Comprehensive Institute "San Filippo del Mela" of San Filippo del Mela (ME). Engaged in the "Orto Amico" project and with a 0km canteen

Comprehensive Institute "Via Baccano" of Rome. Engaged in a "Plastic Free" project

Comprehensive Institute "John Dewey" of San Martino in Pensilis (CB). Engaged in the "A tree for the future" project

The school that participated in the presence:

“Giuseppe Garibaldi” Agricultural Technical Institute in Rome

Institute for technical and practical training in the agri-food, environmental and biotechnology sectors

The launch video of the School ReGeneration Plan

The “School ReGeneration” project was presented, for the ecological and cultural transition of schools