Preventing school dropout through intelligent use of data

An experiment by the Ministry of Education and Merit, the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, the School Foundation

The use and processing of the numerous data available at educational institutions can allow for the early identification of male and female students at risk of implicit and explicit school dropout, in order to implement actions to support learning, with particular regard to prevention. of failure: these are the purposes of the Protocol signed by the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara, by the President of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation Francesco Profumo and by the President of the School Foundation Giulia Guglielmini.

The experiment involves acting on two levels: on the one hand, the implementation of a platform for collecting, querying and viewing data at the service of managers and teachers and, on the other, the provision of innovative and robust refresher courses professional on the topic of the use of data and the potential of artificial intelligence also in the teaching and educational field.

The initiatives envisaged by the Protocol are developed in primary school and lower and upper secondary school institutions, located in the cities of Turin, Genoa, Savona and in another provincial capital city in Piedmont which will be defined shortly.

The experimentation falls within the scope of the Città dell'Educazione initiative, which the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation Group, in collaboration with numerous local and national entities, launched to promote the idea that education is at the center of territorial transformations and to strengthen the offer of personalized care, growth and learning services for the age groups 0-6, 6-16, 16+.

“To combat the scourge of school dropouts – declared Giuseppe Valditara, Minister of Education and Merit – we need to have precise information on the impact of the phenomenon in individual schools and in the territories. This fruitful collaboration with the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation and the School Foundation will promote the knowledge of updated data on the schools involved. The objective is in fact to intervene with targeted policies. Thanks to a special platform, the material collected will remain available to schools, who will also be able to use it in the future. Public-private alliance, digital technologies and personalization of learning will help us bridge the gap between the various areas of our country".

“Investment in our educational systems, continuous learning and updating the skills of all people, in particular those of the younger generations, become a fundamental priority for our country and our territories” – declared Francesco Profumo , President of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation – “The great City of Education program launches an epochal challenge to our territories for the next five years: that of putting education at the center of the growth policies of our cities, with the development of three macro-interventions. The first in the field of care and education of children from 0 to 6 years old, also to combat the phenomenon of declining birth rates; the second as part of the promotion of educational and training opportunities for boys and girls aged 6 to 16; the third aimed at enhancing and re-motivating young people aged 16 and over to accompany them on training and professional paths consistent with their aspirations. The data platform that we intend to build in very close collaboration with the Ministry, with schools and with the territories will allow us to prevent school dropout in order to create personalized interventions with strong characteristics of inclusion, innovation and sustainability".

“The high-level training for managers and teachers on the strategic use of data that will accompany the experimentation and implementation of the platform, will support schools in the early identification of dropout and, together with the entire educational community, in the design of flexible learning paths , incisive and with a measurable outcome" stated Giulia Guglielmini, President of the Foundation for the School.

The Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation was created with philanthropic purposes, to promote cultural, civil and economic development, thanks to the fruits of its heritage. The Foundation acts to pursue three objectives: Culture, People and Planet, which are in turn divided into fourteen missions

The Foundation for the School, an instrumental body of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, is a training body and a research body recognized by the Ministry of Education and Merit, which collaborates with universities and research centers at a national and international level, in order to to direct its innovative action towards the school system and fuel new projects based on solid scientific evidence.

The Foundation for the School is a training body and a research body recognized by the Ministry of Education and Merit which collaborates with universities and research centers at a national and international level, in order to direct its innovative action towards the system scholastic and fuel new projects based on solid scientific evidence

Preventing school dropout through intelligent use of data