Precious on tg4: "Putin sent three signals to start negotiations: Nuclear, mobilization and referendum"

"Putin these days has launched the usual nuclear blackmail, we have already heard this in the past, we must, instead, only interpret the signals that come to us from Russia ". To tell the news on TG4 is the general Pasquale Preziosa, former Chief of Staff of the Air Force and today president of the Security Observatory of Eurispes.

General Pasquale Preziosa on Tg4 - 24 September 2022 - 19.00 pm

The general continues: “Putin raised the nuclear saber, made its jingle heard by throwing a signal to NATO: I am willing to use nuclear weapons especially towards Ukraine, reminding the Alliance that it is a nuclear power. Precious on the partial mobilization ordered by Putin said that the same "it has a weak justification because with current forces it manages to maintain the regions of Ukraine it has already occupied". Other signal is to have kicked off the referendum Preziosa emphasized: "There are three geopolitical signs that must be read together".

Precious compared to the signals from Moscow said that "Russia has achieved its result in terms of ambition levels in Ukraine and is therefore ready to freeze everything and sit down at the negotiating table by putting the ball back on the Ukrainian and then American field.". The former head of the Air Force with pragmatism also says that "this nuclear rhetoric could always get out of someone's hands and would only cause disasters ".

"Putin, adds Preziosa, he tried to sit down, or at least he tries to sit at the negotiating table from a position of strength by waving nuclear weapons, the referendum and mobilization. On the mobilization the possible fruits would be seen in three / four months but the signal is clear: Russia is ready to go on for years and years in this war ”.

In conclusion, General Preziosa stigmatizes Putin's moves: "ultimately, he launched his elements from a position of strength for a negotiation that could take place in Ankara and put the ball back in Kiev's hands. The turning point could come after the referendum with the response from Kiev and therefore from the United States. The beginning of any negotiations should begin with political negotiations followed by diplomatic ones. We need a new Westphalia but we don't have to wait thirty years to reach the treaties. New treaties with modern eyes are needed to give stability to the new world order: it will be an opportunity to establish a new world order, a new security architecture especially in Europe, between Russia and the United States and between the United States and China where the point of fall it is of course Taiwan ”.

Precious on tg4: "Putin sent three signals to start negotiations: Nuclear, mobilization and referendum"