DTT Project, opportunities for Italian and European research on controlled thermonuclear fusion

Tomorrow in Naples at 11.30 at the Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base there will be the Presentation of the DTT project: an Opportunity for Italian and European Research on Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion.

La Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion, due to its characteristics of safety, environmental compatibility and indefinite duration of the fuel, it collects the main research efforts applied in the field of new energies for the medium-term time horizon. The research on fusion is based on a wide and widespread international cooperation that sees the Italian community among the most active and qualified.

Recently EUROfusion (which manages the activities EURATOM on the merger) and the Italian governing bodies have approved the construction in Italy of a high performance experimental machine, called Divertor Tokamak Test facility (DTT). This machine, with a cost of about 500 millions of Euro, within about 8 years will make available to the international community an essential tool for the analysis of the exhaust hose (disposal of thermal fluxes higher than those on the solar surface), one of the main problems open towards the realization of DEMO, the first reactor for the production of fusion energy, foreseen for the 2050.

The design and design of the machine have been developed as part of an intense and continuous collaboration between ENEA, CNR, RFX Consortium and CREATE Consortium. The latter have also coordinated the contribution to the project of some Italian universities, including in particular the University of Padua (member of RFX), the universities of Naples Federico II, Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Cassino and Southern Lazio, Naples "Parthenope" (members of CREATE), the Polytechnic of Turin and the University of Milan-Bicocca.

The activities of the project are currently coordinated by the Executive Board of DTT, consisting of the Project Leader A. Pizzuto (AENEAS), R. Albanese (UNINA, CREATE), F. Crisanti (ENEA) e P. Martin (UNIPD, RFX).

The meeting will discuss and discuss the status of the project and the expected impact on the world of research, training and industrial innovation.


DTT Project, opportunities for Italian and European research on controlled thermonuclear fusion