Quote swordfish ok decree of the Ministry

The Ministry of Food and Forestry Policies notes that the decree has been signed, which urgently and transiently sets the ceiling of the Mediterranean swordfish catch for the present fishing season to 4.039 tons.

"The provision - said Undersecretary Giuseppe Castiglione - was necessary, pending the still pending European procedures, to ensure the national marinerie an instrument that would allow compliance with the criteria for allocation of the international TAC set for 2017 to 10.500, as already officially adopted and approved by ICCAT ".

"I thank the parliamentary groups that unanimously adopted an important resolution - continued the Under-Secretary - who commits the Government to guarantee the application of these international parameters. In this way, we have managed to safeguard not only the interests of such an important sector as that of swordfish fishing, but of the entire national fish economy and above all to protect the levels of socio-economic sustainability, for those realities, such as Sicily. , historically and traditionally dedicated to these fisheries. "

"This provision - it has concluded Castiglione - is inspired to the fundamental precautionary principle, for which, through the constant monitoring of the national levels of capture, it will be possible to make possible future expedients, if necessary."

Quote swordfish ok decree of the Ministry

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