Reggio Calabria: Operation Perseids

At the conclusion of complex and articulated investigations coordinated by the Public Prosecutor of Reggio Calabria, directed by the Procurator Giovanni BOMBARDIERI, the Squadron "Crimes against the person, to the detriment of minors and sexual crimes" carried out, during today's morning, a precautionary custody order in prison against CDs of the 1999 class, FS class 1999 and CG class 1998, held responsible for sexual assault against a peer group.

The investigations - coordinated by the Deputy Prosecutor Gerardo DOMINIJANNI and the Deputy Prosecutor Paolo PETROLO - allowed to shed light on a dramatic story of sexual violence that took place, during a dancing evening in a location in the lower Ionian of Reggio, where three twenty-year-olds, taking advantage of the intoxicated by a girl just over eighteen, they took her out of the disco and took turns abusing her on the beach.

From the reconstruction of the facts made by the investigators of the Flying Squad it emerged that the eighteen-year-old had suffered sexual violence from at least three young people on the free beach, outside a disco where they were spending the night of San Lorenzo. The alarm of the alleged sexual abuse suffered by the girl was given by some passers-by to the staff of the State Police in service of public order outside the local. The young woman was taken to the hospital by an ambulance for the treatment of the case and to be subjected to the health protocol provided for the victims of sexual violence.

The investigative activities were conducted by the Reggio Calabria Flying Squad with sophisticated telephone and environmental interceptions, monitoring activities through video surveillance systems, the acquisition of statements made by persons informed on the facts and with the analysis, carried out by specialized medical personnel, of the genetic profiles (DNA) of the suspects compared with those taken from the victim at the time of the protocol performed in the hospital after the violence.

On the basis of the investigative findings acquired by the Flying Squad during the investigations, the magistrates of the local Public Prosecutor's Office, holders of the investigation, requested and obtained from the GIP the precautionary measure of custody in prison against the three perpetrators of the group sexual violence, who are also investigated for the crime of obscene acts, having perpetrated rape on the free beach in the immediate vicinity of the public place, frequented also by minors.

Finally, CD author 1999 class, along with two other corrections, of group sexual violence, will also have to respond to the crime of violence or threat aimed at forcing someone to commit a crime, having threatened an ocular witness, a few hours after consummation of the fact criminal, so that he did not report to investigators what he knew, suggesting what he should have declared if he had been heard by the police.

At the same time, the investigating judge issued a precautionary measure for the presentation to the Judiciary Police against BE class 1999, MA class 2000 and FS class 1999, for personal aiding and abetting of perpetrators of sexual assault, having failed to report to investigators what they knew about the crime episode and the perpetrators of the fact.

The arrested persons, after the formalities of the police headquarters related to the execution of the detention order in prison, were conducted at the local Prison Office, at the disposal of the competent Judicial Authority.

Reggio Calabria: Operation Perseids