Renzi da Vespa comes out of the closet and gives Conte an ultimatum until Easter

Matteo Renzi continues in the slow political attrition to try to send Giuseppe Conte home, considered an obstacle, not just a little, to the rise of Italia Viva on the Italian political scene. Matteo Renzi hosted by Bruno Vespa put on the table "detonating" requests for the majority, such as the cancellation of citizenship income or the review of Quota 100. Two conditions that cannot be accepted by the current government structure and that would lead to the executive to an incurable crisis. Matteo Renzi had already given some indications on his return from Pakistan: "If the premier has the numbers to go on without us, that's fine, good luck". 

It is precisely about the numbers that uncertainty still reigns because there is no confirmation that none of the Renzian parliamentarians will pass into the group of "responsible". In the meantime, Senator Tommaso Cemo arrives in the ranks of Italia Viva, while the honorable Michela Rostan joins from Leu. 

Renzi also stated that if Conte were to succeed in locking the majority with the group of "responsible", Italia Viva would be ready to go to the opposition. 

From the bar of the Porta a Porta Matteo Renzi studio while drinking an orange juice: "I don't want to die, they have been very bad days, inexplicable for those who listen to us from home. I have not changed my mind on justice: the Democratic Party does. I don't want to become the sixth star". Vespa asks him if he is a paper tiger. "No, I'm good. They tried to throw us out of the majority, but they failed". He talks at length about Giuseppe Conte and his political destiny. And it links him to the proposal for direct election of the premier on the model of the electoral system of the municipalities. And in the end he throws an ultimatum to the Prime Minister. "I have no personal problem with Conte. If you want to do the institutional government on the model of the Nazarene, start canceling the citizenship income which was a failure. And put that money into corporate tax cuts".

The Replica of Nicola Zingaretti. "I believe that someone to the Italians, and to the Italians, if he continues like this, will give them a headache with this unbearable chatter whose purpose is not clear ”. "We continue to work to rekindle the engines of the Italian economy, staying away from the chatter and subterfuges of the Palazzo, of which frankly we can't take it anymore".

The interview with Porta a Porta by Bruno vespa

Do they want to throw it out of the majority?

“They tried. They did not make it, but they tried to gather the responsible senators. But if they want to do it, because the Prime Minister or some of his collaborators don't want us, it is their right to try. They'd better do it next time".

Do you confirm the idea of ​​discouraging Alfonso Bonafede?

"I really think that if an agreement is not reached by Easter on justice we will ask for individual distrust for the Minister of Justice"Says Renzi. Although he says he is convinced that even after the eventual expulsion of the Minister of Justice, the government will not fall. And if he falls, he explains, he won't vote before 2021.

Direct election of the Prime Minister

"All of us should settle down. And me first. I don't think one person alone can decide everything. But neither do I believe that in this political phase we go ahead with these balances. The time is ripe to say that this is not going on ”. And the solution advances: “I appeal to all political forces to Zingaretti, Di Maio, Crimi, Conte, Salvini, Meloni and Berlusconi. To all.
Since this does not go on, we bring the only institutional model that works, that of mayors, at national level. For me, the solution is a direct election of the Prime Minister". And announces a collection of signatures to launch the proposal.

The idea of ​​directly electing the premier, according to Renzi, opens up two possible scenarios. “The first is the model we had made with the Nazarene which provided for a pact between the premier and the leader of the opposition for reforms. It was an institutional pact with a government of a certain color, but Berlusconi did not vote for my laws ”. “The other hypothesis - adds the former premier - is like the Maccanico government, which however did not see the light, where the government itself is institutional. The summary is that we are in a phase where everyone is fighting. And to me who are simply consistent, for example on justice, they tell me that I am crazy… ". Vespa asks for reflections on the Conte government. We have never posed the problem of the government. I didn't say that I was taking away my trust in Conte. I don't think my concern in the morning is to remove Conte. What is certain is that this government must check whether it is going ahead or not. If, on the other hand, they want to remove us, we remove the disturbance ”.


Renzi da Vespa comes out of the closet and gives Conte an ultimatum until Easter