Civil reform, the Chief of Cabinet Rizzo meets Anm and Cnf

On the reform of the civil trial, ongoing dialogue between the Ministry of Justice, the National Association of Magistrates and the National Bar Council, on the organizational issues connected with the anticipation of the entry into force of the new rite.

The head of the cabinet, Alberto Rizzo, met the president of the ANM, Giuseppe Santalucia, and a delegation from the Giunta yesterday in via Arenula. During the meeting, the head of the Cabinet explained how the anticipation of the entry into force of the reform of the civil process, to 28 February 2023, was necessary in the light of discussions with the European Commission on the monitoring of the reforms envisaged by the PNRR. The Ministry has ensured every organizational support to the judicial offices, to create the best possible conditions to facilitate the transition to the new rite. The head of the Cabinet then shared with the ANM the reassurances of the DGSIA, the Ministry's General Directorate for Automated Information Systems, on the complete adaptation of the information systems in time for the effective entry into force of the reform.

Another meeting, again dedicated to the problems connected to the anticipation of the reform of the civil trial, has already been scheduled in the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice for the morning of 11 January 2023, between the head of the cabinet, Alberto Rizzo, and the president of the National Forensic Council, lawyer Maria Masi.

Civil reform, the Chief of Cabinet Rizzo meets Anm and Cnf