Russia and China practice at sea in South African waters

A Russian navy exercise off the coast of South Africa highlights to the international community Pretoria's refusal to condemn the invasion of Ukraine. Two Russian warships are expected in Durban next February for a nine-day exercise that will also include Chinese naval units.

President Ramaphosa's government does not support sanctions against Russia, affirming its total neutrality in the ongoing conflict in central Europe.

The Ukrainian ambassador in Pretoria, Liubova Abravitova has repeatedly urged South Africa to position itself”on the right side of history“. The response from the Pretoria government was evasive and cold. Abravitova is confident that Africa can support Ukraine. Meanwhile Ukraine, with the West, is trying to counter the supply of weapons and raw materials to Russia.

Dozens of cargo ships with grain and cereals from Ukraine will deliver the precious grains to the African areas most affected by hunger this year. Abravitova said in this regard: “This year, Africa will see what kind of partner Ukraine can be".

Russia and China practice at sea in South African waters