The rhetoric of Salvini and Maio will lead us to a "technical government", prone to Brussels

(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Late yesterday evening, around 22 pm, with an hour late, the showdown between the premier and his two deputies. Giuseppe Conte feels under siege and tries to launch phase 2 of the government, in accordance with the "faded" contract. Salvini and Di Maio, on the other hand, dictate the line to be taken with Europe to avoid the infringement procedure for excessive debt.

It is no coincidence that today Ecofin will read the technical assessment on the infringement procedure proposed by the Commission.

Conte would have tried, in the nocturnal summit, to open the eyes of the two majority shareholders. He would have asked to read better and see reality objectively. It is necessary to avoid the infringement procedure and safeguard the savings of Italians. Agree in lowering taxes, Conte would have said, but we need to understand how to do it and until we can pull the rope with the EU. The Minister of Economy Tria is also in tune with Conte, who anxiously awaits the data on the savings made by the measures, citizenship income and quota 100. The audience was, fortunately, lower than the estimates. Money, "cash" to be put on the table in Brussels to demonstrate that it is possible to reduce the 2019 deficit to 2,1 per cent of GDP.

Today there will also be the first Council of Ministers, after the grueling electoral round. Salvini's goal is to take home the bis security decree and find a solution to pay the debts of the Public Administration. The “bipartisan” solution would be the minibots proposed by the Northern League economist Borghi. Minibots rejected by almost everyone, including the ECB.

To about Salvini was categorical: "If someone thinks they are in the government to pull it off or grow zero, it's not what the Italians need".

Salvini, therefore, according to rumors, will push for the flat tax trying to precede the provision with the proposal of minimum salary advanced by the M5S.

Di Maio immediately raised his shields: "We must aim to increase the salaries of underpaid Italian workers". Salvini, instead replied: "How do they guarantee it if they do not reduce taxes on businesses?".

Apparently the rhetoric between the two deputy prime ministers continues. The danger is that by continuing with the rhetoric, the month of June passes. Dead line to be able to dissolve the rooms in view of the September vote, an ideal vote and date to be able to make a maneuver with a government elected by the people. In default there would be a technical governament, in the style of the "Monti" one, a government of the President of the Republic, surely milder and more compliant with Brussels, pace of the Italians.

The real "tragedy" is that to launch the measures desired by Salvini and Di Maio, at least 35 billion euros are needed to be added to the next financial law, a kind of "illusion", because it is really difficult to make Europe digest other measures in " deficit". Unless we leave all the seats that matter (ECB, Commission presidency and Council) to German and French "friends".

The rhetoric of Salvini and Maio will lead us to a "technical government", prone to Brussels