Bellanova: “solidarity with the populations and a hug to the families of the victims. There is no more time: immediately the restoration of safe Italy "

“Terrible images of the bad weather that has hit Sardinia in these hours, causing serious damage to the territory and unfortunately leaving behind three victims and two missing.

My solidarity with all Sardinian citizens and a moving hug to the families of the victims.

Unfortunately, climate change puts us in front of catastrophic meteorological phenomena. We must be prepared, with a prevention strategy that knows how to counter these disasters effectively. We can no longer allow there to be casualties and the terrible devastation of the territories. As Mipaaf we have implemented important measures for the protection of areas at hydrogeological risk, and we continue to work to prevent the abandonment and depopulation of the territories. But that's not enough.

There is no more time. Italia Sicura, the mission structure for the fight against instability, must be restored immediately. We act immediately to secure the territories, and protect the citizens ”.

So the Minister Teresa Bellanova.

Sardinia, dead and missing due to bad weather

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