School, completed the written tests of the ordinary competition for Infancy and Primary

60,8% of the participants pass, the average age of those admitted to the oral exam is 37 years

The written tests of the ordinary competition for kindergarten and primary school (common and support places), which took place from 13 to 21 December, were completed regularly during the seven days provided.

The writings were attended by 52.351 candidates (equal to 48,9% of the expected presences), with an average age of 40 years. 60,8% of the participants in the written exam were admitted to the oral exam: 31.849 people, including candidates and candidates, with an average age of 37 years.

“We promised that the competitions would restart and that they would be restarted efficiently and quickly - declared the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi -. We have maintained our commitment since the STEM competition this summer and I thank all the administrative staff and all those who participated for making it possible to achieve this further important result now. The low average age of candidates and candidates passing the oral test helps us to ensure that in the future there will be younger teachers in the new school we are building. We will have to work further on this, with the next competitions, which will be held regularly and not in fits and starts. We need a school where we can do the right recruitment planning and where teachers are present in the chair from the beginning of the school year. I remember that last summer we already hired over 56 thousand teachers, assigning many more professorships than in the past to give continuity and stability to the school. This is the way to continue: holding competitions on an annual basis to allow the filling of vacant places, giving stability to the staff, but also and above all didactic continuity to our students ".

School, completed the written tests of the ordinary competition for Infancy and Primary