The Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina, and the President of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI), H.Em. Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, signed, this afternoon, the Agreement on the competition for the recruitment of teachers of the Catholic Religion, necessary to be able to proceed with the actual call. The competition procedure aims to fill the posts that will be vacant and available in the next three years.

The call is foreseen by law 159 of 2019 and will be issued in the coming weeks.

In signing the agreement, Cardinal Bassetti recalled that "the next Competition is an important step not only for the professional stabilization of many teachers, but also for the dignity of the teaching itself, still attended today - thirty-four years after the start of the new system of choice - by a very large majority of students ”. The Cardinal then renewed “the esteem and closeness of the Italian Bishops to the teachers of religion who, with passion and competence, accompany the growth path of today's girls and boys”.

"I thank the CEI for the collaboration that allowed us to reach this agreement - commented the Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina - which goes in the direction of protecting the aspirations of teachers of the Catholic religion who, even in this very complex period, they have worked hard, in synergy and harmony with all the school staff, to ensure the effectiveness of the right to education of our female students. Teachers who, by relying on skills and merit with the competition, will be able to enter the role and continue their professional path with greater stability ".

The competition provides for a reserve of places for teachers in possession of the recognition of suitability issued by the diocesan ordinary, who have carried out at least three years of service, even if not consecutive, in the educational institutions of the national education system.

The new competition will be held about seventeen years after the first, and so far only, ordinary competition procedure announced in February 2004 in implementation of law 186/03, which established the roles for teaching the Catholic religion.

School, Ministry-CEI agreement on competition for Catholic Religion Teachers