Signed today Memorandum of Understanding Ministry and CNEL to reduce the gap between school and work.

Valditara: "Bringing the future of children back to the center of the school" 

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed today between the Ministry of Education and Merit and the National Council of Economy and Labor (CNEL), which aims to identify the most effective tools to reduce the misalignment between training and job demand and facilitate the transition from the school to the professional world. The Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara and the President of CNEL Renato Brunetta are committed to monitoring the effects of the reform of school orientation envisaged by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).  

The Protocol envisages, among other things, an in-depth analysis of young people's orientation courses, knowledge of new professional skills and employment opportunities. As part of the agreement, studies and impact analyzes will therefore be developed on the implementation of the provisions of the orientation guidelines adopted with the Ministerial Decree of 22 December 2022. 

Therefore, MIM and CNEL will set up a Joint Coordination Committee, made up of three members for each of the parties and established by provision of the competent MIM Department.  

“The Protocol represents a new step towards bridging the gap between labor supply and demand. The orientation reform that we have prepared starting from the next school year fits into this perspective, with the introduction of teachers trained to guide students and families in choosing a career path. Schools must focus on the future of young people in the world of work: they must be open to the opportunities offered by the local area and to the demands of companies, also through the teaching of experts, technicians and professionals from the business world", declared Minister Giuseppe Valditara. 

“Today a shared journey begins between CNEL and the Ministry of Education and Merit on one of the most important issues for the economic and employment landscape of our country, all the more so because we are going through a historic moment characterized by profound and rapid transitions: the ecological and digital transitions are examples of this. In this context, the ability of the world of school and education to adapt to the new needs of the world of work, on which these changes inevitably have an impact, is fundamental. On these issues, the CNEL can offer the Ministry and the Minister Giuseppe Valditara the experience and skills of its experts, for the purposes of an analysis of the situation as deep and exhaustive as possible”, commented the President of the CNEL, Renato Brunetta. 

Signed today Memorandum of Understanding Ministry and CNEL to reduce the gap between school and work.