Italian Military Union - Gdf meets the Commander General. Zafarana: "Let's apply the Constitution"

Yesterday the first meeting - it had never happened - between the unions of the Guardia di Finanza and the Commander General of the Corps. The meeting, wanted by the General #Zafarana a few days after taking office, it took place in a climate of cordiality.

We of the SIM- Guardia di Finanza we have certainly appreciated this gesture of attention towards us. And the opportunity was propitious to reaffirm the need to have an adequate regulatory framework as soon as possible, that does not sterilize the historic sentence n. 120 / 2018 of the Constitutional Court.

After living for over 70 years in a condition of unconstitutional in fact, the military deserve gods real unions, and not military representatives disguised as unions! The interest of our union coincides with that of the General Commander: the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization. In other words, apply art. 97 of our precious Constitution. The finest and most motivated financier will work better and make an even more qualified contribution to the achievement of institutional goals: tax justice and the fight against economic crime.

However, we note, to our great displeasure, that the bill currently being examined by the Defense Commission does not go in this direction and appears absolutely unsatisfactory: it is unacceptable that the unions should be born with theassent of the minister; it is unacceptable that the controversies concerning anti-union conduct should be referred to the administrative judge; the list of is unacceptable materials excluded - almost all! - the competence of the trade unions. Convinced that the Constitution should finally be applied to the end even in the Armed Forces, we of the Italian Military Syndicate look forward to a new orientation of the ordinary legislator. Democracy is an asset to be defended: no turning back!


Italian Military Union - Gdf meets the Commander General. Zafarana: "Let's apply the Constitution"