Stoltenberg visited by Premier Conte

Jens Stoltenberg, NATO secretary general, during the meeting of NATO defense ministers last week, said that Italy "is an important and valuable ally that is contributing to shared security in various ways". Stoltemberg, on that occasion added that Italy “is one of the countries that makes the most important contribution to missions and operations: for example, in Afghanistan it is a lead nation, in Kosovo it contributes with a professional and committed staff.

Positive, for the undersecretary, is also the fact that Italy has increased defense spending, as well as the country's contribution to NATO missions and operations.

Stoltenberg, being able to pay attention to the role that Italy has in the Atlantic Alliance, underlined that it hosts different NATO structures in Naples, such as the Joint Force Commando (JFC) and Sigonella.

In view of the summit of the Atlantic Alliance to be held on 11 and 12 July in Brussels, the secretary general is carrying out official visits to the capitals of the various member countries. Yesterday, the secretary general was at the Farnesina, where he had an interview with the head of Italian diplomacy Enzo Moavero Milanesi.

He was received by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, at Palazzo Chigi, who following the words of the secretary general, from Charlevoi, where the G7 took place last weekend, affirmed that Italy is placed and will remain in the Pact Atlantic: "I confirm that our position remains the same. We wrote it in the government contract… As regards the individual missions, from time to time we will evaluate the missions that will be requested of us in the context of the international commitment that derive from this position and we will evaluate them. We have not reasoned about the possibility of disengaging on the missions that are in progress. On future missions let us hope not to be involved because it means that there will be new crises ”.

Stoltenberg visited by Premier Conte