Using a cell phone can cost you your life. It's not a paradox, but when you're at war, sending a single message over the data network can give the enemy your exact location on the battlefield leaving you vulnerable. The United States and its allies have watched with some concern [...]

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Valditara: "Let's protect children's learning and respect for teachers" The circular, signed by the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara, containing indications on the use of mobile phones and similar devices, was issued today to schools electronics in the classroom. The ban on using mobile phones during lessons is confirmed, as it is [...]

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According to a new US study led by the University of Calgary, children who watch too much television, spending too many hours each day in front of a screen can prevent them from reaching fundamental stages of childhood development. The researchers conducted a study involving 2.400 children in Canada between 2011 and 2016, [...]

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Most state hacking now targets cell phones, not personal computers, as was the case until 2015. According to the Wall Street journal, experts say cell phones have become, in operations this year, state hacking, a far more profitable target than personal computers. I [...]

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