The decree law was published in the Official Gazette with the urgent provisions for overcoming the measures to combat the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, in view of the cessation of the state of emergency starting from next April XNUMXst. The decree also contains measures that concern the school and follow those already [...]

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The problem of waste management is an issue on which an important battle of civilization and of guaranteeing a better future for our planet is being played. (by Paolo Titta) This is why many countries are trying to remedy this by experimenting with innovative techniques that are not limited to the search for the lowest impact [...]

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(by Marco Sperandio) Despite the programmatic delay of our country in establishing a stable and continuous flow of waste management, examples of alternative practices are beginning to be seen in our territories that show us how there is a renewed awareness of the problem. It is the same Ministry of the Environment through its Directorate General for waste and [...]

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(Marco Sperandio) It is established that the lack of medium-long term planning by the institutions is the first real cause of the eco-mafia infiltration in the waste management stream in Italy. Only through an operational synergy between Regions and Municipalities, businesses, and the population of each territory, in fact, can a system be reached [...]

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