In the wake of the French movement, the 'Italian Yellow Vest Italy Coordination' was born in Italy too. The coordination fights against the Bolkestein directive and taxation that is too high for companies but also calls for "the revocation of the concession to Autostrade and the reduction of tolls". Just yesterday on the Fb page the proposal / provocation was launched: "Today [...]

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In a press release, the National Association of the GOIA - Independent Organized Group Peddlers - wanted to highlight that despite the extension of the implementation of the Community Directive, the problems on the territory persist indeed they are having disastrous and in some ways alarming effects for the entire category. . Thus, then the National GOIA: "While waiting for politics to find a balance [...]

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Since last Monday Giancarlo Nardozzi, Giorgio Martino and Irene Vaccaro, representatives of GOIA, have called a hunger strike - with an appeal to Di Maio and Salvini - to urge politics to form a government to respond to the emergencies of small Italian businesses. The strike has not yet reached 48 hours [...]

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A GOIA press release reveals an all-Italian extravagance, FIVA and ANVA, by many called Cip and Ciop, now say that Bolkestein can and must be left. “We learn from the latest meetings of FIVA and ANVA their intention to oust the street vendors from the bolkestein. It is clear, therefore, that over the years they have only lied [...]

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The appointment is for Sunday 25 February in Turin in Corso Cincinnato, at the corner of Corso Toscana, from 15.00 pm. The meeting, open to all, will see hot topics on the agenda such as: the request for definitive exclusion of the category from the application of the Bolkestein directive, the national program for the sector and the actions in progress and those still available to reduce the [ ...]

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