After the uncertainties of the last few days, the amendment to the Milleproroghe was approved overnight which allows the postponement of the terms for self-certification of families regarding vaccinations for access to school. The provision, which incorporates what was originally foreseen for the 2017/2018 school year which allowed the presentation of a self-certification pending the start [...]

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In the night after the many meetings and the many talks to find a common square, a long meeting ended which in addition to seeing the participation of all the big names of Alternative Popular, including Angelino Alfano, put all the centrist exponents around a table to find the synthesis of the rebirth project [...]

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The Mothers Association of Colleferro has not stopped fighting and demonstrating against the Lorenzin decree which imposes vaccines on children and young people who attend compulsory schools. The Association has always opposed this provision and is always present in all national events where it is necessary to make its voice heard. On 16 September 2017, [...]

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“Satisfied because we have kept together the decree from the point of view of prevention”. Thus the Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin on the sidelines of the presentation of the 2016 Annual Health and Scientific Report of the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital in Rome, regarding the changes made to the vaccines decree in its passage to the Hygiene and Health Commission of [...]

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On the amendment to the decree on vaccines which would reduce the mandatory vaccines from 12 to 10 “the Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin, recently asked the Istituto Superiore di Sanita 'and the Higher Health Council for an opinion on the matter. We will provide it to the minister by today ”. This was announced by Walter Ricciardi, president of the Higher Institute of Health, on the sidelines of [...]

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