It was May 2017 when the new president Donald Trump with 217 votes in favor and 213 against, approved the request for the abrogation of Obamacare in the House of Representatives. Trump attempted, failing twice despite the Republican majority in the Senate, to repeal the law both totally and partially. But what is this really [...]

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Few in Italy know the story of John McCain. Some know that it was the candidate in the primary who opposed him in 2000 against George W. Bush. Someone more knows about him only that he was the Republican candidate who challenged Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential elections. I personally am passionate about this politician [...]

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The thought of pushing Washington to impose sanctions on banks that do business with Pyongyang is growing stronger in the United States, considering that for the moment the UN sanctions have not curbed North Korea's nuclear ambitions. In the last few weeks, some steps in this direction have already been taken, last [...]

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