Eni Sustainable Mobility and Saipem have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the aim of using biogenic fuels on Saipem's drilling and construction vessels, with particular reference to operations in the Mediterranean Sea area. Saipem has a fleet that operates all over the world which is made up of 45 naval vessels [...]

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Eni's Board of Directors, meeting under the Chairmanship of Lucia Calvosa, approved the start of the initial public offer (IPO, Initial Public Offer) and share listing of the business that integrates the retail gas & power and those relating to renewables (in the text conventionally referred to as "Eni R&R"). Eni assessed the IPO as the best solution [...]

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Eni will develop the second project in the country, a 48MW wind farm located in north-west Kazakhstan Eni, through its subsidiary ArmWind LLP, a joint venture between Eni and General Electric, has been awarded a 48MW wind project as a result of a auction for a plant in northern Kazakhstan. This was the third auction [...]

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