The US President, Donald Trump presented the Fiscal Year 2021, many innovations that affect new ambitious goals. A $ 4.800 billion budget, writes Il Sole 24Ore, with major cuts to social programs in favor of defense and border control. "A Budget for America's Future", this is the title of the maneuver, [...]

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US Defense officials have announced that they intend to test the first space weapon in 2023. The reason is to give greater impetus to the study of various types of space weapons. They therefore asked for an additional 304 million dollars in the 2020 budget to develop new beam weapons, more powerful lasers and [...]

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China's Xinhua news agency, a Moscow official reported, reports that Russia will take reciprocal and asymmetrical measures in response to possible US threats to use outer space for military purposes. According to the Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov, the intentions of the United States [...]

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The Trump administration plans to spend about $ 2 billion in new funding over a five-year period to create its Space Force. 15.000 will be the employees already employed in the offices dedicated to the space that will pass through the new service. In a Defense News article, the first details of what [...]

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On Tuesday, President Donald Trump signed a directive (SPD-4) centralizing all military space functions under a new Space Force, which will be overseen by the Air Force Department. While technically it will be Congress that will approve the creation of the Space Force, a sixth military branch that will organize, train and equip a corps of military personnel [...]

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After the US Air Force's estimate of $ 13 billion last September, which included the costs of President Donald Trump's Space Force, Pentagon officials have promised a reduction in "official" costs. Patrick Shanahan, Deputy Secretary of Defense, in fact, speaking to reporters stated that the initial estimate of his team [...]

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