Rizzo: “Anti-union behavior towards workers, indifference, arrogance, total absence of dialogue with the unions and lack of respect for the institutions. Via this group of birds of prey from Taranto "Thus in a note Franco Rizzo provincial coordinator USB Taranto:" If we look back we can only underline once again that Arcelor Mittal does not respect [...]

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Franco Rizzo: “Anti-union conduct that of the SDS (ASL contract): some workers are even devoid of IPR. To this is added the indifference of the General Manager, despite the numerous reports from the Usb ”. Thus Franco Rizzo, provincial USB Taranto coordinator, in a press release: "Almost a dozen press releases that have fallen on deaf ears are those that the Union Union of Base has [...]

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Thus in a press release Franco Rizzo, provincial USB Taranto coordinator, on the meeting between unions and the Prefect of Taranto, Demetrio Martino, on the Arcelor Mittal affair: "For us at USB it was also an opportunity to show a document signed by Lucia Morselli, in which the CEO of Arcelor Mittal denies what the company's technicians claim, [...]

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