TAR Lazio, precautionary request from the Puglia Region against school sizing rejected

"We welcome with satisfaction the decision of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court, competent in the matter, which rejected the precautionary request presented by the Puglia Region against the school sizing project envisaged by the PNRR and implemented by the Ministry of Education and Merit. The reasons for the decision make it clear that in the disputes brought forward by the regions there is no serious and irreparable damage that justifies a precautionary measure. Let's move forward, therefore, in the implementation of the measure requested of us by Europe, which does not involve the closure of complexes but only the modernization of our organizational structure, through the progressive elimination of regencies. Thanks to this reorganization we will have more efficient schools and savings of 88 million euros; resources that can be reinvested for school staff and beyond".

Thus Giuseppe Valditara, Minister of Education and Merit

TAR Lazio, precautionary request from the Puglia Region against school sizing rejected

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