Table at the Ministry of Labor on safety

Valditara: "Kids on alternating jobs should never be left alone, constant dialogue between schools, companies and tutors". The proposals of the Mim

The Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara took part today in the Table on occupational safety which was held at the Ministry of Labour.

“I thank Minister Calderone, the institutional representatives and those of the social partners with whom we shared decisive reflections for the future of our boys. I placed the central issue of the safety of students, teachers and school staff above all within our schools. With the Building Plan we have invested huge resources for the redevelopment of school buildings, increasing the budget provided by the Pnrr. With reference to the subject of school-work alternation, it is clear that the modification of the legislation on compensation is an essential element for us, and we appreciate the willingness shown by Inail in this sense”, declared Minister Valditara.

"However, this change is not enough: it is also and above all necessary to prevent" continues the Minister "From this point of view, we need to invest more in the training of students to create a culture of safety in the workplace, also involving employers and trade unions, and to ensure that young people on alternating school-work courses receive specific safety training based on the activities they will be carrying out. We must then strengthen the training of the school tutor and that of the company tutor, also through funding, which must coordinate in constant dialogue. School-work alternation is a structural component in the education of children in all Western school models. Precisely for this reason, the boy can never be left alone, the dialogue between school and company does not end when the agreement is signed, but must be continuous".

“To bring about this paradigm shift, we have put three proposals on the table. First of all, it is necessary to provide platforms, also on a territorial basis by the regional school offices, with the task of providing the list of companies selected and certified for carrying out the PCTOs, within clear framework protocols. Furthermore, we must prepare a list of information and certificates that schools must acquire from companies before signing and must subsequently verify. Finally, it is necessary to restart the operations of the Committee for the monitoring and evaluation of school-work alternation, which provides for the presence of representatives of the Chambers of Commerce, industry, crafts, agriculture, workers and employers of work, to which must also be added the representation of students and teachers, to really put into practice that Grand Alliance for schools which is the only method for carrying out virtuous reforms” concludes the Minister.

Table at the Ministry of Labor on safety