Maneuver, timid on the fight against tax evasion

(by Massimiliano D'Elia) The council of ministers began just before midnight, around 23pm after a “very tense” day within the majority. Giuseppe Conte, at one point, sent a text message to the Minister of Economy Gualtieri, to suggest that he concentrate on fighting tax evasion.

On a maneuver that is expected to reach 31 billion, the 3 billions of receipts moved to the 2020 with the extension of VAT and lump sum payments are missing. 

The majority travels on the razor's edge with regards to the cash ceiling, the lowering of the punishment threshold for tax crimes and Quota 100. 

The exhortation of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to devote greater efforts to the fight against tax evasion has resulted in the amounts of the draft tax decree: we are talking about 3,5 billion. A small amount of money coming from the fight against tax evasion, the rest comes from the new taxes on games, while the increases on cigarettes, plastic and perhaps diesel will be entrusted to the maneuver. 

For this reason the three billion of income tax payments that will materialize in the 2020 but constitute the balance of the 2019 are indispensable to cover the maneuver. 

The spending review, writes the SOle 24Ore, has the task of bringing about an additional 2,5 billion, and another billion should come from the measurements on deductions and deductions. 

If we can speak calmly, after reading the draft of the fiscal decree, the real brawl can arrive in the Chamber where Italia Viva does not want to give up the hold on 100 quota, lowering the punishment thresholds for tax crimes and on the roof to 1000 euro for cash, making it clear that it will use the instrument of amendments. 

Net of the palpable tensions, the deficit that Rome will ask from Brussels is 14,4 billion, most of which will be used to reach the 23 billion, necessary to avoid the VAT increase. 

For the cut in the tax wedge this year, workers could get around 40 net euros in wages every month. 

For businesses, the tax package provides for the relaunch of the Impresa 4.0 incentives, the refinancing of Nuova Sabatini, the SME guarantee fund and the Bonus Investments Sud, together with the acceleration of the progressive deductibility from Irpef / Ires of the Imu paid on the warehouses. 


Maneuver, timid on the fight against tax evasion