Online scams with fake "Amazon Gift Card" from 1000 euro

The "Door of Rights": beware and don't click, it's a fraud. The alert also on the "Police Line On Line" of the Postal Police

False promises continue to run on the net. Not only on instant messaging apps, but also Facebook becomes a repository of scam attempts like the fake "Amazon Gift Card" from 1000 euro or Samsung S9 and iPhone X for "30 lucky users" that should click on a nice gift package for get the prize. To signal it once again the "Sportello delle Diritti", which considers it useful to re-launch the post published by the Postal Police on the Facebook page "Commissariat of PS On Line - Italy": "Be careful because you could be one of lucky 30 who will receive a" pack". Beware of this kind of propaganda ".

This is the text of the alert with the screenshot of the post circulating on Facebook. Once again, notes Giovanni D'Agata, president of the “Rights Desk”, the best way to defend oneself is to always be wary of this type of offer which, however attractive, is always bogus because no one gives anything for nothing. It is sufficient, therefore, not to listen and never click on it. In case you are still caught in the fraud you can contact the experts of our association through our email contacts or to immediately evaluate all the appropriate solutions to avoid prejudices.

Online scams with fake "Amazon Gift Card" from 1000 euro

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