Trump has not yet decided on the question of the US embassy in Israel

Donald Trump has not yet made a decision on an eventual relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. To say it is the same son-in-law of the American president and his faithful adviser, Jared Kushner.

The president "is still analyzing several facts and when he makes a decision, he will announce it," said Ivanka Trump's husband, in his first public address on US policy issues in the Middle East. "And he will announce it at the right time," added Kushner, an Orthodox Jew, during the "Saban Forum", organized by the Brookings Institution think tank in Washington.

According to the US State Department, the president should speak by Monday and then decide whether to renew, as all his predecessors did and himself for the first time in June, the clause derogating from the law that establishes, since 1995, to bring the embassy in Jerusalem, or whether to give the green light to the transfer, as promised during the election campaign.

According to various American media reports, however, Donald Trump could wait until Wednesday to deliver a speech on the subject, which was not denied by Jared Kushner.

Trump has not yet decided on the question of the US embassy in Israel

| MONDO, PRP Channel |