Everyone away from Niger: Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinea support the coup plotters against Ecowas

The coup military junta, after having made the president resign Mohamed Bazoum he does not want to listen to the calls of the international community for a restoration of democracy and continues his rise to power. Yesterday's news that the military arrested 180 members of the governing party including two key executive figures.

Apparently they are not isolated because the self-established coup military juntas of Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinea, protagonists of coups d'état between 2020 and 2022, have lined up against theultimatum of seven days imposed by Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas). The threat of the Sahel coup group is the unconditional use of force against any block that intends to restore legality in Niger.

In the meantime, the EU is evaluating how and whether to intervene on Niamey, offering its staff the chance to leave the country on a voluntary basis. Individual governments are already taking action with repatriations, which are accelerating as tensions grow between the new government of Niamey and the former Western partners.

Paris has announced that it will soon begin the repatriation of compatriots living in Niger, in fear of reprisals against the approximately 600 French civilians registered by the French Foreign Ministry. The first flight with French people will take off from Niger at 17pm from Niamey at 16pm local time (17pm in Italy) with the French citizens on board who will be evacuated from Niger. The broadcaster Bfmtv learned it, specifying that the first French are starting to arrive at the airport.

Italy has also decided to offer a special flight to fellow citizens present in Niamey, while keeping the embassy open and operational, also to contribute to the mediation efforts a course. Repatriations have also been initiated by Spain, with the return of all citizens registered in the Sahelian country, while Berlin has urged compatriots to board the planes made available by France.

The Italian Defense has announced on its website that there are about 300 soldiers of the Armed forces Italians present in Niger. Niger is an important country in the sub-Saharan region and, precisely because of its importance, Italy participates in the European mission EUMP extension (EU Military Partnership Mission in Niger), and has a Bilateral support mission in the Republic of Niger (MISIN).

THEAlgeria he called for the restoration of "constitutional order" in Niger, expressing his "support for Mohamed Bazoum as legitimate president", warning against any foreign military intervention. 

What we know about Niger

Niger is among the poorest countries in the world despite the fact that its subsoil is very rich in the precious uranium that is systematically sent to French and European nuclear power plants. Since the military took over, that transfer has been halted.

Niger also acts as the policeman of Europe as regards migration. The system is simple, local police and army are used to prevent migrants from leaving Niger, select the lucky few who are eligible for asylum in Europe and keep them in transit centers until further relocation.

In return for this effort to reduce illegal immigration, Niger receives funds from the European Union, including funding to help smugglers find legal jobs.

The number of migrants passing through Niger has thus drastically decreased after the intervention of the EU but the EU money is unable to compensate for the large profits that were previously made with the migration business. This is one of the problems underlying today's turmoil.

Niger also faces the influx of thousands of African migrants returning from Libya after suffering all sorts of abuses, and waiting to return to their countries of origin. There are hundreds of thousands of migrants, refugees and returnees, including children.

EU money is not enough to manage a problem that would require more efforts with the involvement of all CI. We need well-structured projects and not just welfare plans, projects like the Mattei plan announced last week in Rome from Italy. EU funds today are dedicated exclusively to the fight against migration and other minor projects with the aim of strengthening internal security, managing borders and helping Niger fight human trafficking and international terrorism. Then there is the so-called conversion package which aims to help people find new economic activities.

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Everyone away from Niger: Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinea support the coup plotters against Ecowas