(by John Blackeye) It seemed to me a comment made on the streets of Rome, last night, by a thug who knows very little about economics and politics but who is probably struggling to make ends meet to put together lunch and dinner. . Looking at his companion in misfortune he solomonically said: "..a fa 'n Government like this ... I know' good too ”.
And how to blame this average Italian who was disappointed by the scrolling of subtitles on one of the national news programs that reported the names of the new ministers.
Eventually the elephant gave birth to the mouse.
There has been talk for weeks of the need to raise Italy from the health emergency, of a vaccination plan that is not working, of restoring order and efficiency to a national health system that is at the end and then in those subtitles we see scrolling the name of the same minister who until now seemed to have only caused disasters ... which is confirmed in the post.
Seeing the same national prominent figure that he has confirmed to the Department of the Interior tackled the problem of the invasion of migrants without asking the problem of the invasion of migrants, left more than a few with their mouths open as the reporters of the big national news programs tried to understand why - expecting us all, the fireworks - in the end we had to settle for sparklers.
It was hoped for by all a Government of national unity, a government of technicians who were able to put aside the politicians that until now, according to what the newspapers said, had failed and instead we find ourselves an extended family with the same ministers of the previous government in addition to old acquaintances of the center-right who do not seem to me to have solved the problems of Italians when they were ministers in previous governments.

So what? Where is the leap in quality? Where is the winning team?
Probably many politicians, technicians, reporters, insiders and ordinary people, are still there - astonished - in front of the televisions asking themselves this question that until now has not had an answer: so what?
But wasn't it supposed to be a strong purpose government?

But if we think about it, it is probably about a government of purpose, only that the purpose is probably not exactly what the Italians expected but it is another.
In fact, one does not have to be political analysts to understand that a government of this caliber please everyone.
All will participate, with projects, advice, programs and time programs in the distribution of two hundred billion euros that will fall from the European clouds like confetti. Nobody will remain outside the division of the European cake.
It will not be time to plan the use of many resources that unfortunately seem to be oriented only on green, on ecology, on green ... and not on the work of young people, which will come the appointment with the expiry of the mandate at the Quirinale. Oops!
At that point the new head of the government will be ready for the appointment with a national political framework that sees him intent on distributing financial resources left and right. All happy and all satisfied (we hope the Italians are too) politicians could vote unanimously on his appointment in the first institutional office.
Then a doubt arises spontaneously. We expected major upheavals and we have seen that nothing has changed but that the government team has been joined by those of the center-right and some other name of the "system" which claims to be ready to solve our problems.
Social balances have been secured and the hoped-for social peace should appear. It is not known what will become of the pandemic but I believe that everyone is hoping that it will pass as all the pandemics have passed - by themselves - since we have not been able to do much so far.
And then you will understand that after all it was a government of purpose ... we really hope that it is not a government of "personal purpose"….
God save Italy.

A "small" Draghi government