Usa: Corker; Trump unhappy, it is likely to incite the Third World War


Usa: Corker; Trump is adventurous, it may incite war

Republican Senator Corker is very concerned about President Trump's behavior on international politics and told the New York Times. US President Donald Trump treats his office as if it were "a reality show", with rash threats to other countries that could put the US "on the path to World War III." The Republican Senator Bon Corker is convinced of this, protagonist in the past few hours of a heated confrontation via Twitter with Trump, according to an interview with the New York Times, in which he says he is worried because the president "acts as if he were doing The Apprentice or something like that". Speaking to The New York Times in a telephone interview, Republican Senator Bob Corker said he was alarmed by President Trump acting "like he's doing The Apprentice or something." "It should worry everyone who cares about our nation," he said. He then added that Trump poses such a risk that it induces senior administration figures to protect him from his own instincts: "I know for sure that every day in the White House there is a situation where you try to contain him," Corker added.

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