(Marco Zacchera) by Let me imagine .. Let's imagine that Biden had been largely in the lead the night of the ballot after counting the votes in the polling stations and then the sinister Trump had suddenly risen with the votes in the mail enough to overcome him. How do you think the American & Italian media would have reacted? Then - always imagining - transform yourself into a statistical mathematician and verify the possibility that on 64% of the ballots scrutinized A has a large margin on B and, then in the remaining 36%, B takes practically all the votes: how many mathematical-statistical probabilities are there of such an event? Continue to imagine: how many over XNUMX are there in the US and how many of them have voted? It would not take long to check it ... there must be a list of voters and if the centenarians have voted by post you can check whether they are alive or not.

Trump may have done everything during his presidency to make himself unpleasant, but the electoral checks must not take this into account: if there are clear complaints, they must be checked quickly, period. If, on the other hand, there are no concrete clues or at the first checks, the complaints do not hold up, period. What you must NOT do is NOT to verify, especially when the postal voting system lends itself to abuse everywhere.

Quite different is the case - but this has not been explained in Italy at all - of those who physically voted (tens of millions of people) BEFORE November 3, as required by law, but not by post but in person.

So many Democrats did it, yet these votes (then immediately counted together with those on election day) had given Trump victory.

Do you understand why there is something wrong, regardless of the dislike or not of the characters in the field?

Once again, the problem of information arises, which has never before in the USA affected the vote (including polls) exactly as it happens in Italy, especially at the TV level.

This is perhaps man's biggest problem, ever: having the right to correct information with facts separated from opinions. Everyone asks for it and says to do it, but then the reality is very, very different.

USA: immagination ...