USA. “Retail Apocalypse” the beginning of the end of shopping malls and retail

Retail outlets are closing in America devastated by the so-called “Retail Apocalypse”, the phenomenon due to which hundreds of traditional businesses are closing in favor of the increasingly widespread purchase of goods online. The apocalypse, as this situation overseas is defined, which only a few years ago would have been unthinkable affects, without exception, big brands, distribution chains, shopping centers. In summary it affects the physical shopping places. A little more than a month has passed since an authentic paradise for children, namely the world giant of toys, the American Toys "R" Us, which could count on 1600 points of sale spread across the American territory and over 64 employees, filed for bankruptcy, a crash comparable to a few others.
In the 2017 over twenty large US commercial chains have started bankruptcy. They do not even smile the symbols par excellence of consumerism with stars and stripes and brands like Macy's and Sears are a good example. The first will close 100 stores by the end of next year (15% of the total) putting at risk no less than 10.000 jobs, while the latter have recently closed important agreements with Amazon to adapt to the new trend of online business, will close after 65 Christmas sales points.
The abandonment by the big brands of the structures, where so far they had performed with excellent results, their trade, inevitably leads to a relapse on the real estate market dedicated to the commercial sector. The images of these abandoned and decayed cathedrals of consumerism are part of the new urban configurations.
According to studies carried out by leading agencies operating in the financial / real estate sector, in the coming years it will be necessary to close more than 10% of the "retail" spaces in the United States of America, converting those buildings and spaces for other uses and necessarily renegotiating them for longer rentals. bass.
All this, unlike what could be revealed by a superficial examination of the situation that is being created in America, which as often happens anticipates the times of what will happen later in other parts of the world, including Italy, has nothing to do with the economic crisis. The American economy in fact goes far from bad, the unemployment rate is very low, certainly not even remotely comparable to ours, consumer confidence has returned to rise to levels before the great crisis of 2009.
The closure of physical structures such as shopping centers, which have always been the undisputed and undeniable symbols of the American way of life, in addition to the failure of the big brands, must be sought in the change in consumer habits and in the failure to adapt to a market, whose needs they change quickly. Over the years, e-commerce has managed to channel many of the market's resources to its world, however online sales would only represent 9% of the US market. It follows that this certainly cannot be the only cause of this "Apocalypse", which must be sought in a wider range. Lifestyles have changed and the new generations, which should be remembered, have a lower purchasing power than the previous ones, they favor the consumption of experiences over that of things.
However, the truth seems to be another, and if confirmed could herald a catastrophe of enormous magnitude. An authentic sword of Damocles on the heads of millions of Americans.
According to some analysts in the field of financial investments, what is causing the US retail trade to collapse is the fact that, in recent years, in order to cope with the heavy crisis, the big brands and many distribution chains have "overloaded with debts" venturing into reckless financial operations that according to a study by Bloomberg, will lead to a "debt bubble" that could erupt in the coming years with appalling effects on the American economy, which will face the loss of about 8 million jobs and this does not because of the change of technology, but a financial scheme, so-called "predator" that will enrich the usual elite to the detriment of the real economy.
Yet another proof of how rapacious finance is a danger for economic freedom and for business.
photo: Forbes

USA. “Retail Apocalypse” the beginning of the end of shopping malls and retail