ABI summits ask Draghi to confirm the support measures for businesses

The President of the Italian Banking Association, Antonio Patuelli, and the General Manager, Giovanni Sabatini, sent a letter to the President of the Council of Ministers Mario Draghi, to the competent Ministers and to the Governor of the Bank of Italy, with whom they represented the it is important that all the support measures for businesses envisaged by the so-called Liquidity Decree of 8 April 2020, and subsequent amendments, with particular regard to guaranteed loans and the possibility of offering the public guarantee on the restructuring of loans already disbursed primarily for small and medium-sized enterprises and the SACE guarantee is activated as soon as possible. “Market prices” also envisaged by the aforementioned Liquidity Decree.

In the letter, President Patuelli and Director Sabatini also highlight the need for the European institutions to be urged to restore the flexibility initially allowed by the EBA regarding the treatment of loans subject to "concession" measures, such as moratoriums, and to modify the threshold beyond which forbearance measures lead to the reclassification of the entire position of the debtor in the category of impaired loans. The requests made by ABI arise from the violent recovery of the pandemic in Europe and in Italy and from the consequences on economic activities together with the strong increases in energy prices and the persistence of difficulties in the supply chains of raw materials and electronic components that have substantially changed the framework on the basis of which the support measures for businesses were reshaped in the budget law in a logic of gradual return to normal conditions that do not yet exist.

ABI summits ask Draghi to confirm the support measures for businesses

| Economics, EVIDENCE 2 |