Abi. Finance for the Social

The seventh edition of the ABI – FEDUF – FIABA Award for journalists is underway

Financial culture for economic and social development, stories of diversity and coexistence. It is from this theme that the seventh edition of the 'Finance for social affairs' award kicks off, dedicated to young journalists and trainees, to support their commitment to recounting the importance of financial literacy. The initiative is promoted by ABI (Italian Banking Association), FEDUF (Foundation for Financial Education and Savings, born on the initiative of ABI itself) and FIABA Onlus thanks to the common commitment on the issues of financial and social inclusion, which it is also achieved through the instrument of financial and savings education.

The initiative is sponsored by the National Council of the Order of Journalists.

The Award is intended for professional journalists, publicists, trainees and students of journalism schools or masters recognized by the Order of Journalists, under the age of 35 (included). It also aims to involve older journalists, through the possibility of assigning special mentions. With the aim of supporting their commitment to take up the challenges of economic journalism, in a context in which adequate financial information and training constitute an authentic service for the development of essential skills for the economic and social development of territories and communities .

This edition is announced with the collaboration as partner of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), CeRP-Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto and Fondazione Sodalitas, and with the collaboration as media partner of Avvenire and its economic insert The civil economy and Bancaforte.

The initiative is presented today at the end of 'D&I in Finance', the new event promoted by ABI and organized by ABIEventi which brings together banks, insurance companies, institutions and other businesses to reflect on the issues of diversity, inclusion and accessibility in bank, created in synergy with ABIFormazione, in Milan. A two-day event, free and freely usable also online on the streaming platform at the link https://diversity.abieventi.it/.

Award theme

“Financial culture for economic and social development, stories of diversity and coexistence. The role of financial and savings education to promote sustainable and inclusive growth paths, between the enhancement of identities and increasingly responsible and aware communication” this is the theme proposed. The thesis will have to highlight how financial and savings education can support the economic and social development of citizens, businesses and territories, promoting coexistence and inclusion with respect for diversity.

The Award and special mentions

The best article or radio-television service will be awarded a prize of 1.200 euros. There will also be special mentions for the most deserving entries. The winning contribution will be published on the websites of the promoters ABI, FEDUF, FIABA.

The Jury, made up of representatives of the realities that promote and support the initiative and of qualified experts, will have the right to identify, evaluate and award – through a dedicated special mention – any contributions of marked relevance, made by candidates older than that indicated in the announcement, which may also be received upon notification by the authors themselves or by citizens.

How to participate

Participation in the Prize is free. Each competitor can participate individually or in groups with a single article or audio or video service, which has been published or broadcast in the period between March 1, 2022 and September 10, 2023.

The entry in the competition must be sent by e-mail by 11 September 2023 indicating as subject the wording 'Finance Award for Social Affairs VII Edition' to ufficiostampa@fiaba.org or by post to the address FIABA – Journalistic Award 'Finance for Social Affairs', Piazzale degli Archivi, n. 41, 00144 Rome. In case of shipment by post, the date of the postmark will prevail. In any case, the documents must be received no later than 18 September 2023.

Further information on the FEDUF websites www.abi.it, www.fiaba.org and www.curaituoisoldi.it. Any information can be requested from the e-mail addresses ufficiostampa@fiaba.org, salastampa@abi.it and stampa@feduf.it

Abi. Finance for the Social