Agenda Sud, from MIM over 8 million additional resources for the hiring of new teachers

Valditara: “Bringing Italy together, giving all young people the same training opportunities”

The Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, signed the implementing decree which assigns more than 8 million euros to 14 networks of state schools in the regions of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily for the hiring of new teaching staff until the end of the school year. The initiative is part of Agenda Sud, the intervention plan launched by the MIM to reduce learning gaps between the different areas of the country. Thanks to these resources, from January each of the schools involved will be able to have 5 additional teachers. The provision follows that of last October, with which the Minister ordered the assignment of 20 more teachers for the schools of Caivano.

“Let's bring Italy together starting from school. This decree – explained Valditara – is a further stage in the path we have undertaken with Agenda Sud: for the first time we have the possibility of bridging the gap between the different areas of the country by giving all students the same training opportunities, and therefore working, regardless of where they live. Teachers, as well as managers and all staff, are the pillars on which the education system rests: enhancing their role and their presence is fundamental to bringing about significant change within our schools".

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Agenda Sud, from MIM over 8 million additional resources for the hiring of new teachers