Art. 47 Simplification Decree, Extraordinary Plan of the Forest and Mountain Territory

Art. 47 Simplification Decree, Extraordinary Plan of the Forest and Mountain Territory

MIPAAF, Bellanova: “Key words: protection, resistance, resilience. In line with Objective 15 of the 2030 Agenda. Interventions aimed at reducing fragmentation, improving resistance to climate change, preventing forest fires "

"I do not think this is the case in the most absolute way to feed unfounded controversies, but I believe that whoever sounds the alarm on article 47 of the Simplification Decree regarding the extraordinary plan for the maintenance of the forest and mountain territory has not read the text well or has correctly read the ratio. Which I enclose in a few key words: to support the protection, resistance and resilience of the forest and mountain territory ".

So the Minister Teresa Bellanova.

"That article," continues the Minister, "is in line with goal 15 of the seventeen for sustainable development developed by the UN and the EU Green New Deal, which also includes the new European Biodiversity Strategy 2030.

Thanks to the work of agricultural and forestry companies, with the funds allocated, the objective is set to improve the functionality of the forest areas in mountain areas and inland areas, working with the best forestry techniques to implement their resistance and resilience to climate change.

The interventions that will be planned aim in fact at the realization of actions that reduce fragmentation, connecting the Italian forest areas which cover 36% of the national territory but which are separated by infrastructures (e.g. roads, urbanized areas, railways). The activities may include forest fire prevention interventions, recognized as the cause of the decrease in CO2 absorption levels of Italian forests.

Finally, funding is provided to the Regions for the implementation of the Large Area Plans, as defined by the Consolidated Law on forests and forestry chains (Legislative Decree no. 34/2018).

All activities aimed at safeguarding and improving existing forest resources, with a view to sustainable forest management ".

Art. 47 Simplification Decree, Extraordinary Plan of the Forest and Mountain Territory