Bellanova: defeating the corporal is possible

Bellanova: defeating the corporal is possible

“The corporal is not invincible. We reiterated this today together with the Minister Lamorgese in Foggia. This is one of the territories from which the experimentation of the actions envisaged in the three-year plan to combat and prevent illegal hiring will start. Starting from some fixed points: the hiring is crime and has no alibi of any kind, not even those relating to production costs; there are no dirty supply chains but companies that practice illegality and must be prosecuted; the state must, and can, oppose this criminal practice in terms of the supply of services and the legal and transparent intersection of demand and supply of work, to save workers and businesses from blackmail. Defeating the corporal is possible. We must do it together ”. Thus Minister Teresa Bellanova today from Foggia, where she participated in the work of the Committee for order and security.

Bellanova: defeating the corporal is possible

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