Cagliari - VIII regional conference on international police cooperation

Cagliari - VIII regional conference on international police cooperation

This morning the Deputy Director General of Public Security, Prefect Vittorio Rizzi, chaired the eighth regional conference on international police cooperation, at the Congress Center of the "Mediterranean" pavilion exhibition center in Cagliari.

During the conference, the heads of the judiciary and police forces of the Sardinia region spoke and the Director of the Coordination and Planning Office for the police forces, Prefect Maria Teresa Sempreviva.

The objective of these regional conferences is to present the international police cooperation system, which has its national contact point in the SCIP, with the strength of its communication channels, database interoperability and direct connection with the Interpol and Europol agencies.

The use of these facilities and the interconnected platforms support, through the SCIP network, international investigations and prevention activities that cross the geographical borders of our nation.

In his speech, Prefect Rizzi stressed: "The meaning and purpose of this cycle of conferences is that of training, that is to make known the tools of international police cooperation and their range of possibilities and strategic / operational purposes to combat the various criminal threats.

Today there is no longer a territorially delimitable crime, for example cybercrime is in itself a crime without physical territory.

Our past is made up of internal security challenges such as organized crime, the years of political terrorism and its massacres, now, after a process of transformation also at a legal level, we are facing challenges that have become global.

This globalization of criminal threats, terrorism, drug trafficking, human trafficking, etc., is opposed by the Department of Public Security through the work of the International Police Cooperation Service and its network of Security Experts located around the world. , which condenses the technical / operational specificities of the four police forces.

Furthermore, through cooperation, sharing, innovation and knowledge policies, the "security network" implemented by SCIP develops international strategies to fight organized crime as the I CAN (Interpol Cooperation Against Ndrangheta) project demonstrates.

Therefore the context of international strategic collaboration cannot be separated from the word trust, from the "trust" of the Anglo-Saxon world. "

Cagliari - VIII regional conference on international police cooperation